Thursday, March 18, 2010


So I joined Netflix. Finally. It's really hard--cancel that, it's impossible--to find a place to rent movies around here. I have exhausted my movie collection (hard to believe, I know!) and even borrowed from my coworkers, but I was quickly running out of options. And when you live in a town populated by a mere 900 people, where everything closes at 7:30 and that "everything" consists of a handful of small restaurants and some art galleries, movies are kind of essential for sanity.

I got my first Netflix movie today - "The Brothers Bloom". I LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie.

But this comes with some guilt - actually, a lot of guilt. The movie contains quite a bit of language, a *cough* hospital gown, and a scene you have to skip entirely.

I HATE HATE HATE that they put that stuff in movies that would be sooooo good without it. I looked to see if I could get an edited version of the movie because I would love to have it in my collection, but so far, I have found nothing.

If you can get your hands on an edited copy, or if you are one of the lucky few with a DVD player that edits for you, I would give this movie a hearty recommendation. But if you don't fit into the categories listed above, I would advise caution.



ldsjaneite said...

And now you can watch "Everything You Want" whenever you wish to borrow it.

I love Netflix. It's my entire entertainment budget--and it makes me happy.

Cheri Kay said...

I'm so glad you can watch new movies again!

I shall join your quest in the hunt for this movie edited. I would like to see it. . .

Jess said...

SOLUTION FOUND!! I figured out a way to edit the movie myself!! WAHOOOO!!!

If you want details so you can do it, too, just email me. :)