Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fame! I'm gonna live forever!

While we're on the fridge show-off kick, I'd like to add one of my own. Here is an article that came out this week in a community section of a local paper (the same day I was in a completely different paper for a completely different reason, that not only included a picture, but was on THE front page!):

[LDSJaneite], children’s a bit of a sleuth. She’s been searching for a special program to attract young teens to the library. Thanks to her creativity and resourcefulness, she has a winner, probably in need of a quick copyright. The “Clue Did It?” library mystery program...was an original combination of “Clue” and “How to Host a Murder Mystery Party.” The victim is a Dead Book, and there are six likely suspects, including I. Ken Reed, Bess Sellers and Medda Fore, with prior offenses such as eating and running in the library, losing books or turning in books late. Among the six likely weapons are chewing gum, greasy fingers and the cruel and unusual scissors. After a 10-minute, very animated power-point orientation with [LDSJaneite] embellishing each character and weapon, the dozen participants formed four teams and were off with the riddled clues to solve the crime. Their casebooks and clues led them to the stacks, reference desk, the children’s room, periodicals, membership and circulation. Initially, the crime-solvers were a bit baffled, since they didn’t know what they were actually looking for; but once the first clue was discovered, the game was afoot! BoJangles and Subway coupons were the reward for using detective and deductive processes in this unlikely but likeable library crime. This would make a great educational birthday party event.

Now, I know it was not a Thursday that the original event took place.

And I know it was not a Thursday that the article came out.

But it was a Thursday--namely today--that a librarian from Nova Scotia contacted me, asking me for more details about my mystery program. Talk about unexpected fame and honor!!! I'm completely aghast! I don't know what to do with myself except eat brown rice with broccoli and fresh basil and then look for something in the not-too-sweet sweet side--for they can be rewards as well as stress-easers!


Erin Dougal said...

That is way cool! Jak told me about this blog once a really long time ago. Why have I never known about it??? My life is complete. All of you are funny and I love you all.

Jess said...

THAT IS SO COOL! For my next birthday, I'm totally coming to one of these events. ;) And the fact that a librarian from NOVA SCOTIA contacted you is further proof that your awesomeness is out of this world.


Cheri Kay said...

That is so AWESOME! I'm glad the world has finally been exposed to your creativity and amazing-ness!!