Thursday, January 14, 2010


Six hundred words—that’s all I’m asking for.

Six hundred itty, bitty, little words.

That’s not much, really, when you think about it. And come on—you’re a brain. “Thinking about it” is what you’re good at. (Supposedly.)


Pretty, pretty please?

I have to get this book finished.

You ever heard of obsession? Well, this is becoming one. And Brain, you had better watch out because when obsession strikes, you’re usually the first one to go.

Yeah, you might want to do something about that.

Like maybe give me some ideas—preferably well-worded ones.



Cheri Kay said...

Dear Jess's Brain,

I think she's serious.

Cheri Kay

P.S. Dear Jess,

I took care of it for you :)

Cheri Kay

ldsjaneite said...

I find 600 words come well after indulging in a craving. But that might just be me.

Man I want some cheese.

And 5 Guys Fries.

Jess said...

Maybe that's my problem, Heidi-- I've been denying my brain indulgences as of late....

And thanks, Cheri Kay. Your support is a boon in these troubling times. :)