Thursday, March 4, 2010

Books I Have Stayed Up All Night Writing

It is 1:18 am, Thursday morning. My eyes hurt from staring at the computer screen, and I have a headache of epic proportions. I also used that phrase in twenty recruiting emails I sent this week, so if you’ve already read that phrase penned by my own hand, please ignore my recycling. I am far too tired and far too burnt out to come up with something more creative.

But this misery is the price I must pay for worldwide fame and fortune, I suppose. And if this is the only price, I think it just might be worth it. There’s always acetaminophen.

I am rambling. My thoughts don’t make sense even to me. I really should go to bed. Get some sleep. Nurse my aching brain.

I just thought that this was epic enough (there’s that silly word again) to make an early post for The Thursday Chronicles. As of 1:18 am, Thursday, March 04, 2010, the rough draft of The Last Daughter of Cair is finally finished.

And what a diamond in the rough it is. I can hardly wait to start the editing process, but I know it is going to be a long, hard process. The story may be complete now, but the words are in bad need of a facelift. And I’ll be honest, I was so ready to be able to say that I am finished with the rough draft that the final scene I wrote tonight—er, this morning—is really just some creatively penned notes about what happened/what was said. I can always flesh it out in the editing process, right?

I hate that word, “flesh”. In fact, I specifically avoided ever using it in my book.

But I digress.

Don’t worry. The last scene I wrote wasn’t the final scene of the book. I don’t write in order, see, so even though I did write the very end of the book tonight, I didn’t write it when my brain was already toast.

Toast? More like the charred remains that you find left in your toaster when the spring has busted and you forget that you have to pop it up yourself.

No, the final scene was very satisfying, actually. That’s what kept me up past midnight in the first place. I figured if I could write something that good at 12:00, I could write something that good at 1:00.

I’m generally wrong about these things, though.

Wow. I have just written 410 words about absolutely nothing of importance. Actually, scratch that. I have just written 409 words about absolutely nothing of importance. “Finished” is pretty important.

Pretty epic.


ldsjaneite said...

In the last 3 years, every time I read the word flesh, I have thought of you. :-)

CELEBRATIONS ALL AROUND!!!! I'm so happy for you.

Unknown said...

Oh happy day! I hope you think of me when you need some unbiased eyes to look at it for you!

Miss you much The Greatest!


The Linz

Cheri Kay said...


. . . i miss story time . . .

Jess said...

Thanks, guys! I am giving it a few days before I start revising (unless I can't resist the temptation and I edit it all this weekend....), but when I'm done, I will definitely need some "unbiased eyes". ;)

Joy said...

Pick me, Pick me!!!