Thursday, April 29, 2010

from one friend to another

Dearest Thursday,

Only you could have dragged me through this day of exhaustion, and then ended with a reward of an unbelievable Italian meal and one of the tenderest romantic films ever. Thank you.

Your devotee,
Weere E. Ness

P.S. If it's not too much, could it please be a little better next week?


Jess said...

:( I'm sorry you're having such a hard time, but I'm glad that you at least got a nice italian meal and a tender, romantic film out if it. What movie did you watch?

BTW, I finally got to see The Young Victoria and I LOVED IT. It certainly made my bummer of a Wednesday a whole lot better!

ldsjaneite said...

Yes, I adore Young Victoria. The movie I watched tonight was "The Village."

I just need sleep and I'll be fine. Thanks, sweetie!

Cheri Kay said...

Well, I know what's next on MY movie list.
Go Italy for inventing fabulously heart-warming food!