Thursday, January 21, 2010

Resume According to the Law of Chance

Tired of carefully crafting each and every resume?! Sick of remaining unemployed?! No problem-o!! Sign-up now for my FREE resume writing service! Leave your fate to serendipity and join the ranks of the few un-unemployed Americans today!

Sample Statement of Intent:
I am a leguminous (adj. relating to, or denoting plants of the pea family) individual seeking a serene (adj. calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil) job in the neutron bomb (n. a nuclear weapon that produces large numbers of neutrons rather than heat or blast like conventional nuclear weapons) industry. (Not a real resume)

"Oxford Dictionary, you've done it again!" (Not a real quote)

The CK Resume Service: Building Successful Careers, One Word At A Time.


ldsjaneite said...

That has to be why it's so hard for me to find THE job. I'm doing my own resume instead of turning it over to you. I wonder if I can be part of the cheese family...

Cheri Kay said...

Yes. Requests are welcome :)

Jess said...

Um, I WILL be using this service. Especially if my resume can be made entirely out of words using the letter Z.

Cheri Kay said...

Oh it can be.

Clarification: do you want words that USE the letter Z or BEGIN with the letter Z?