Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Note to the Teacher(s)

Seems we're all taking turns for absences!

My only excuse is that Thursday got away from me. I know. That's terrible to admit about the Amazing Thursday. But when you're so busy you honestly can't remember if you just clocked out a few seconds previously or if you told other staff about the group you scheduled, let alone what day of the week it is!, well....

Please forgive me.

And please say I made up for it by filling my Thursday with food (cheese, chocolate, turkey, and strawberry pie), friends (I stopped by to say some hellos to people at various library branches), and fun (Day 2 of the Roommate Star Trek: Voyager Marathon).


Jess said...

Can I please come to Day 3 of the Star Trek marathon? ;)

ldsjaneite said...

Please do! And all the days ever after!