Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday--You Truly are AMAZING!

Some people would think that this--Ye Olde Taxe Daye--is a terrible day. But as I filed over a month ago and received my federal turn on Tax Day, it was a pretty good day to me.

Go Thursday.

And some would think that less people coming to storytime would make it even harder to teach "The Princess Pat" than it was on Tuesday. But, no, they actually did really well with it.

Go Thursday.

And some would think that the 90 degree weather last week to a 60 degree weather this week is awful. But on my walk I felt it was exactly what a middle-of-April spring day should feel like.

Go Thursday.

And some would think that their already busy schedule with work, church, storytimes, SRPs, going out of town, downsizing, packing, fighting a cold or allergies, and all else that makes the life a whirlwind would be a bit annoyingly strained to have another meeting added for the evening.

But not if it's the one and amazing Sister Beck coming to speak to you.

Where you get to sing in the choir formed for her fireside.

In which you are singing a solo.

Need I say it? Yeah. GO THURSDAY!
(I think Thursday is becoming one of my favorite days!)


Jess said...

You're singing a solo for Sister Beck? As in, THE Sister Beck? You said it sis,

GO THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

And break a leg, or whatever you say to musicians...

Cheri Kay said...

That is amazing!! Thursdays are WONDERFUL!

Enjoy your awesome day!!