Thursday, February 18, 2010

Record Breaker

In horse racing, the last leg of the race is where the money is won. Exciting as it is, it’s not really a surprise when the jockey who has held his horse at the back of the pack suddenly gives the cue for speed. The horse surges forward as it comes around the final turn, passes all the other horses, and crosses the finish line strides ahead of anyone else. Or maybe, for more dramatic effect, the lead horses get a second burst of energy and they cross the line so quickly that the winner has to be proven by photographic evidence. The scenarios possible in this relatively short section of track are far too numerous to recount, but you get the picture: dreams are realized or disappointed. Owners and bidders make or lose unimaginable quantities of money. Names are made or hidden in shame.

Yes, folks, the last twenty seconds of a race are the most important.

I had an epiphany last night. I won’t go into detail because 1) I don’t want to bore you, and 2) yesterday was Wednesday, not Thursday, and is therefore ineligible for discussion on the Thursday Chronicles, but it bears mentioning simply because it has had an impressive impact on my day.


Yes, yes, and yes! Celebrations are in order! Cake will be served!

All I have to do is ignore the Olympics long enough to type a couple thousand words and I am D. O. N. E. DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE.

But tonight is the finals of Men’s Figure Skating, and I want to see Even Lysacek defeat Evgeni Plushenko so badly. There is nothing like a fabulous good vs. evil smack down to get me excited about Thursdays.

So here we are at the final turn. The impressive filly Last Daughter of Cair has a strong hold on the lead, but the crowd favorite Gold Medal Podium is about to make his move.

Who will win? We’ll have the results right after this break.


ldsjaneite said...

Yay! You're so close!!! Can I have some celebration cake?

Jess said...

Yes!! I hope you won't mind that it's going to be chocolate overload! :)

ldsjaneite said...

Chocolate flavored is ALL good!

Cheri Kay said...

So . . . who won?!

Count me in on the cake!!!! I'm super excited!!!!

Jess said...

It was a close race - Last Daughter of Cair just barely lost to Gold Medal Podium, but she was still in the money. GMP is taking a break for the next couple of days, though, so LDOC should have a clear shot at the winner's circle in the next couple of heats!

(Oh, and for the record, I am totally a fan of Evan Lysacek winning Men's Figure Skating gold over Yevgeni Plushenko. I always love it when a hard worker defeats a sore loser!)

Cheri Kay said...

Me too! Plus, Plushenko always sort of reminded me of the creepy guy on Dragon Heart, who also plays (unfortunately) Lupin in the Harry Potter movies.

Jess said...

YESSSSS!!! I thought so too!!! HAHAH!!!

I liked him as Lupin, but it was really hard to. That is the only movie I have seen him in where he plays a good guy, so it messed with my mind a little.